Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pictures rather than words

It seems I am a woman of few words lately.  It is so crazy busy around here all of the time, that I am lucky most days to snap a few photos, and photos are easier than words right night.  Let's face it my subjects are too easy to photograph.  I have to think about the words.
So, for now, enjoy the photos.

Papa's Punkin

Papa and Farrah sharing some kisses at dinner. 

Photo Shoot part one the Playhouse

Grammy Pam works with a lady who has two teen daughters.  Both of the girls are in 4H and love photography.  We made a trip to their home on Friday night for a mini-photo session.  Her daughters were really sweet and really good with the Beauties.  Following recent suite, Jocelyn was a bit camera shy.  The other three were smiling pretty and posing sassy.  Of course I had to snap a few photos too.  I hope the girls were able to catch some good ones.

Baby Kaia comes for a visit

Today the Beauties and I were able to meet and fall in love with a new little face.  Kaia.  My good friend Jenn and her husband Brad, welcomed baby Kaia into their lives almost four months ago.  She was born the day after the earthquake hit Chile.  She is a lovely little babe.  Jenn and Brad have lived in Chile for about five years.  They are both school teaches there and have more than made it their home.  It has been two years since Jenn was home last.  It was wonderful to see her and Brad, and to meet their sweet baby girl.  Congratulations and much love to them.
We decided to create a very special gift for her.  Each of the Beauties painted a letter of Kaia's name.  They turned out really pretty and so very special.
All four of them were very interested in her.  They wanted to touch her and didn't like when she started to fuss.  Of the four, Silvie May was the most smitten by her.  It was truly heartwarming.

Silvie and her "babies"

There really aren't many words that can accompany these photos...just cute.  That is all.

Camo Calls

Sugar's Little Beauties were almost all smiles.  Chloe, Farrah and Silvie have become quite the little posers for the camera.  Jocelyn on the other hand...she doesn't like the camera as much, or at least she pretends not to.
One thing is for sure, they love "boutfits" as much as Mommy and the rest of the Derby Girls.  Our June home bout theme was "Full Metal Derby" the Beauties rocked the camo!  I'm confident that this one was Daddy's favorite theme.  Enter camouflage.  We rocked the bout and the Beauties rocked the best darn boutfits yet!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A case of the Mondays

Mondays are not usually my most favorite days.  They never have been.  Yesterday was no exception.
We are still in full swing trying to adjust to our new schedule around here.  Chloe is finished with Kindergarten, Daddy is working evenings now, Mommy's working (outside the home) Daddy is taking a hand at the Mr. Mom know all a chapter in our crazy unique world.
Chloe is attending a Safety Summer Camp.  It is two hours a day for two weeks.  She is learning all sorts of great information about being a Safe Kid.  Fire safety, gun safety, stranger danger, bike name it.  If there is safety behind it, there are teaching it.  My good friend is one of the police officers who runs the camp.  So she's in good hands of course.
It was a crazy afternoon (as always) when I arrived home.  Matt was getting ready for work, the house looks like an F6 went through, beauties are crabbing because they refuse to take a nap anymore.  I was in the process of cleaning up that F5...and Farrah screamed out in shrieking pain!  She came running into the kitchen, blood everywhere.  Stuart (one of the new gerbils) had bitten her on the bottom lip.  Let's just say, he got her good.  She was so upset that Stuart would bite her and so upset that there was blood everywhere.
After a good thirty minutes, it still would not stop bleeding, so I decided it would make sense to take her to the ER to have it looked at.  Just in case she needed a stitch.  Yes, I am that Mom that just has to be sure.  I cannot help it, I worry.
We arrived at the ER and they took her right back.  Said that the cut was deep, but since the majority of it was on her lip, and not on the skin under it, they could do a stitch, but that it would probably do more harm than good to put her through it.  So we opted out of the stitch.  The doctors said that mouth would rarely take on an infection and that they heal rather quickly.  That said, since it was a bite from an animal, they felt a 7 day course of antibiotics would be a good idea.  They also assured me they were not worried about the bite in general, just being cautious.
Farrah was a trooper, she let the doc cleaned the would with a saline wash.  No tears.
After picking up her prescription, we headed home to find that little Stuart had passed.  When I asked Farrah what had happened, she said she tried to give Stuart a "kiss" then the bite took place.  I asked her what happened after Stuart bit her and she replied, "I squeezed him."  Poor Farrah, she is so sweet and gentle and would never hurt ANY animal.  That being said I have a strong suspicion that Farrah may be the cause to Stuart demise.  Poor Stuart.
We added to our backyard "Pet Cemetery" and held a small "gerbil service."  Brought tears to my eyes when each beauty took a turn telling Stuart to "rest in peace."  Bless their little hearts.
We concluded the evening with baths and kisses and several "extra" tuck-ins. 
Good night Monday.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

We don't like bugs.  Not crawly ones.  Not flying ones.  Not creepy ones.  Not stinging ones.  Not buzzing ones.  Not even fuzzy ones.  But....we like worms.  Hmmmm.  You figure it out?

Beauty Bootys.


Summer is here.  Hooray.

Not many words need to be said.  The weather was perfect, the water was cold.  Jocelyn hates the sprinkler.  All of the Beauties loved the new pool, slide and "washing" their hair.