Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sweet Chloe Girl

This tiny little being...
...has left an enormous print in our hearts.
It's difficult to grasp it has been 9 years since you entered our world.
Our sweet Chloe.
Your birthday was an amazing gift to us, and it continues to be a gift everyday.
You made me a Mommy.  You have taught me what love is, unconditional, pure love.
Happy Birthday Sweetheart.

Happy Birthday Chloe

Happy Happy Birthday Sweet Chloe!

Monday, February 25, 2013

This touched my heart...

My parents taught me this...and my Matty's mom taught him.
We are blessed...

"We must educate our daughters
to distinguish between a man who flatters her, and a man who compliments her.
A man who spends money on her, and a man who invests in her.
A man who views her as property, and a man who views her properly.
A man who lusts after her, and a man who loves her.
A man who believes he is a gift to women, and a man who believes she's a gift to him.
and THEN, teach our boys to be that kind of a man"

~unknown author