Saturday, April 19, 2008

Our First March for Babies!

What a GREAT morning we had! The weather was nice it didn't rain! The walk began at City Park and went through downtown. It was 6 miles! Yep, we made it the entire way! HAHA. Our team this year included Matt and myself, Chloe, Jocelyn, Farrah and Silvie, Grandma Pam and Grandma Val and Aunt Ande. We hope to build an even bigger team next year! The girls loved strolling around, taking in the view. There were lots of people walking. We were able to meet up with some friends. Heidi and Ed and their Triplets. Their girls are a month younger than our girls. Heidi was admitted the week before the girls were born. Her girls were born the week after we went home. It was so good to see them! I sure wish we lived closer!
We were also able to visit the "Angel of Remembrance" she is in City Park and she stands in memory of all the Angel Babies, taken from us too soon. It was really beautiful. We placed a rose in memory of our 4 Angel Babies and in memory of those close to us who have lost an Angel Baby. May God bless you and keep you safe until we meet again! You will forever be in our hearts. Being there and participating in the walk really touched my heart. We are so very blessed, our girls were two months early, and they are beautiful, healthy, perfect little girls. We count our 4 blessings everyday. I cannot imagine our lives without them. Yes our hands are full..but so are our hearts.
Thank you again for all of those who sponsored our walk! (Gma Pam/Papa Steve, Gma Val/Papa Dave, Aunt Ande, Susan, Anne, Michelle, Marlys, Kathleen, Judy, Lyn, Peg, Lauren, Jane and Heidi/Ed.)

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! Congratulations on making the walk. I'm still getting over the sight of your triplet stroller, let alone two together!!!!

    It was great, if not unexpected, seeing you yesterday. All of your girls are beautiful - just like their momma!
