Friday, May 30, 2008

To my Best Friend...Happy Hair Cut!

We did it..."The Mom Cut"...well, we are MOMS...Yep. Short. Sassy. Sexy. I like it! Molly and Kimberly. Us. Our Girls Night...A long overdue one I will add. We fit it all, well, a lot, anyway into six hours! Scissors, wine, tears, great conversation, text messages, picture messages, chili con, pedicures with foam flip flops we had to beg for, dutch tulips, my chihuahua bites, shoe and handbag window shopping, laughter, twinkies, hot dogs, peters, peanuts, china, birthmarks, husbands streaking, more laughter, skinny iced white mochas, no whip and turtle brownies, of course nothing skinny about those...oh well, they were worth it.
Life's too Short and too Precious...let's do it again soon and let's Promise to do it often! I LOVE YOU WITH MY HEART AND SOUL THANKS FOR THE NEW MEMORIES TO ADD TO ALL OF THE OLD ONES I CHERISH SO VERY MUCH!

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