Monday, May 5, 2008

"Tutus and Tootsies"

We had a fun day today. Chloe had a full dress rehearsal for her recital. She looked so sweet! Front and center for those of you not used to seeing her in make-up with a Robert Plant...I mean ballerina do! She did so well today! She knows the routine and smiles the entire time! I must say that getting her to let me put on the make-up, was a bit say the least. Matt actually ended up putting it on her, or she wouldn't have worn any. She kept saying that it "hurt" hmmmmmm, never had that happen to me when applying make-up. I must say Matt did a GREAT job, for a first timer. Although, blush goes on the apples of the cheeks honey. HAHA! Chloe has a saying that she uses quite regularly, "Daddy is the easy one, Mommy is the hard one". Daddy loves this. Basically it means that she wants Daddy to do it, not Mommy. This happens a lot at bath time and brushing of the hair. hmmmm again. I keep telling her it is hard to be a girl!

After dance, we met up with Olivia and Laila and Auntie Molly. We had some ice cream and then went and had our tootsies polished. Spring is here, which means time to break out the flip-flops! Who am I kidding, I never put mine away...I know you are right there with me Molly! Chloe and Olivia shared a pedi chair, while Molly and I took turns saying, "sit still or your are going to mess them up!" Funny because I was sitting still, and my big toes both have a smear...oh well, what can you do.
It was a fun day, we love hanging out and just being girls!


  1. Very cute post of Chloe and Olivia! Thanks for a fun afternoon...can't wait until the next one! Love, me

  2. Kim and Matt,
    I really enjoyed reading and looking at the pic's of your busy, fun, fantastic life! I also loved being able to see Molly, Olivia and Laila pic's. Now if you and Molly are ever related just how does this Grandma fit into the picture? Love, Grandma MoMo
