Sunday, June 8, 2008

Just for Fun

As a mother of multiples, I am getting used to, well, for a lack of more creative wording: "Stupid Questions" and "Unbelievable Comments". So Just for fun I have started compiling of list of some of our personal favorites. The ones we hold dear and cherish close to our hearts... Right... Please feel free to add any you can think of (in the comments of this post). I will add them to the list. I am going to frame it and give a copy to the girls when they are older. I know they will grow to appreciate it!

Looks like someone is ready for a nap...
Are they all the same age?
Are they all twins?
Are they all yours?
Were they born at the same time?
Boy you must have your hands full. My response, Yes but my heart is full too!
Glad it's you and not me. my response, Me too.
I'd kill myself.
I thought twins were bad. My response, Do your twins know you feel that way about them?
You must be busy.
Did you "do" fertility?
Did you have "help"?
Were you sad when you found out there were three?
What did you do when they told you?
Did you know there were three in there?
Are you done?
Are you going to try again for a boy?
Two girls and a boy? (When they are ALL dressed EXACTLY THE SAME AND IN ALL PINK!!)
How do you tell them apart?
You almost have an entire team.
Do you have a lot of help?
Did you plan to have three at a time?
Looks like you need a new hobby. (my personal favorite, yes an older man really said this to me)
You're a brave woman. My response, nope, just practiced and tired of being at home!
Can I smell them? I just love the smell of babies?
I feel sorry for you. My response...why, because I didn't get a shower today?
Another one of my favs...when my best friend, who was 9 months prego at the time, was pushing the triple decker full of my kids, Olivia and Chloe tagging behind. Boy, she just some crazy looks!
You are blessed. My response...yes, I am, 4 times. Thank you for seeing that!
They are beautiful. My response...yes, they are, thank you for saying so.

I know there are more that I am forgetting! Please help me out! I will add them!


  1. How about:

    'Can I smell them? I love the smell of babies!!' Jeff from VA

    'I feel sorry for you...' to which the comeback would be, 'why, because I didn't get a shower today!?'

    and how about those looks when I pushed the triple decker and was 9mos. prego with Laila. I love fu*%ing with people's heads!!!

    Love ya, mz

  2. Those are good ones...I will add them. Can't believe I forgot about the "I feel sorry for you" one...
    You will have to give Jeff from the VA the site he can see "his" girls and imagine their smell.
