Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sunny Side Up

High 80's. Sunshine. Not a cloud in the sky. The first time in the pool. Burr... The water was a bit chilly. However, the girls loved it! They would have stayed in, well, forever if we would have stayed in too. Matt was in and then back out almost instantly. So "manly" of him. What's a little cold water? Sorry Stink. I on the other hand didn't really mind the cold water so much. It was more the bugs biting me over and over. After Friday night (beverages around the fire) I had little, if any not bitten skin left so sitting in the water didn't last as long as it could have. Back to the beauties...Jocelyn went in first...head first. She is the dare devil. No fear! She jumped right in! Farrah and Silvie stood by the side a little longer and then were placed into the pool. They loved splashing and of course drinking the water. Umm, Yuck! Chloe loved her new hot pink goggles. Although she still would not get her face anywhere close to the water. It was worth a try I guess. She looks very fashionable in them even if she will not put her face in the water. That's my girl...High Maintenance". We had to drag Chloe out after about an hour. Her fingers and lips were blue (from the water being cold) and her fingers and toes looked like raisins. Maybe we will let the water warm in the sun a few more days and try it all again!

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