Thursday, July 10, 2008

thank you

Hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July! I have been taking it a bit easy the last few days. Threw my back out of whack, ouch! I have been to the chiropractor everyday this week. I forgot how horrible it is to have back pain. I was lifting two kiddos and pop out it went. Thank goodness for MOMS! My Momma and Matt's Momma both took a day off work to help me with the girls. Not sure what I would have done without them. Thanks again Mom Pammy and Mom Val! Matt was home yesterday taking on Daddy duty. I relaxed flat on my back which is the only tolerable position! Feeling a lot better today. Going back to the chiropractor this afternoon.

Tonight my friend Jennifer is coming to visit and meet the girls. She is coming with Auntie Molly. We are so excited to see her! It has been too long!

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