Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hot Hot Hot

With the temperatures soaring in the high 90's, we ventured out to meet some friends today. We met up with my friend Kristi and her kiddos Veda and Fisher. We gathered downtown in the Ped Mall. You guessed it...we played in the fountain! was refreshing. Molli had stayed overnight so we thought it would be fun to do something extra special. Whenever we go to the playground I never let Chloe play in the fountain. I know, I'm mean. But she is never in a swimsuit when we are there. Today Chloe and Molli donned their swimsuits under their clothes and we headed out. Big success. They had a great time. Jocelyn Farrah and Silvie hung out on the sidelines watching and wishing they could join their big sis, cousin and new friend Veda. They flirted a little with the new little man in the group. Fisher sure is a sweetie. Such a beautiful baby boy! Kind of makes me want to try again for that little boy...or maybe not! I'll just admire Kristi's and Molly's sister Sarah's. Some day I will have sons-in-laws. It was great to get out, even in the scorching heat. Great to catch up with Kristi too.

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