Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"Save the Tatas"

Okay so I need some input. As many of you know someone very dear to my heart is fighting and winning the battle against Breast Cancer. She is so strong and full of courage. She is halfway through her chemotherapy. Then she will begin radiation. She and some of her cohorts are thinking that even though we are thirty somethings...well most of us anyway...that a bar crawl to celebrate the end of chemo is well deserved. The last 8 weeks and 8 more to go have been pretty rough for her physically and emotionally too. She needs to let loose...relax...let her "hair" down so to speak. What better way...let's get her hammered. Where the "help" part comes in to play...she would like to have t-shirts made to wear on the crawl, and of course to donate proceeds to the breast cancer foundation. Fun huh? She wants to do a top ten list on the shirt. Like, top ten reasons to do a breast exam...sort of thing...So I need some really good ones to relay to her. I know that a lot of you are very witty. I know how creative you are. I know you can come up with some great stuff. So lend a hand, a suggestion...just a plain old reason why you think you should...touch your boobies! She said she thinks the crawl will be called "Save Second Base-Big or Small, we drink for them all". So try to tie the ideas into that...I am counting on your creativity! Post them into the comments on this post. Also, let me know if you are interested in purchasing a shirt to support a great cause.


  1. Thanks, love ya sista! I'm brainstorming too....

  2. Free Breast Exams...

  3. support boobies, yours and mine

  4. Squeeze for life.
    TaTas Make the World Go Round.
    Grope a tata...save a life.
    Get a grip on breast cancer.
    Save a boob, get a mammogram.
    Don't be a rube. Save a boob.
    Keep a smile on your mugs, and save the jugs.
    Ta Ta riffic.
    Save Tomorrows TaTas Today.
    Save the TaTas one step at a time (or beer for the crawl)
    Surrender the tata’s
    Keep Ta-Tas Close To Your Heart
    Healthy Honkers
    Touch/Feel your Boobies


  5. there's a war going on in my rack
    healthy hooters are happy hooters
