Wednesday, July 2, 2008

We belong in the Zoo

Today we decided spur of the moment to take a trip to the zoo. Niabi Zoo in Illinois. This was Jocelyn, Farrah and Silvie's very first trip to a zoo! Chloe has been to four different zoos. Making today her fifth one! All four girls loved it! Chloe's favorite animal was the sheep and the big goats in the petting zoo. She loved feeding them and even gave them hugs! The triplets loved the giraffes. They could have sat and watched them all day. There were four. Three smaller ones and a bigger one. Just like the girls. Daddy liked the wolves best...Chloe did not agree. She thought they were a bit scary. Farrah also loved watched the monkeys. Silvie loved the goats and Koi fish. Jocelyn liked the big cats, lions and tigers and leopards oh my. Mommy's favorite was the porcupine. She was dancing a jig for us. We were able to get a good picture of her too. We all oved the big snapping turtle. He came right up to say hello.
Chloe and Daddy were able to go on a train ride around the entire zoo. They could see all of the animals from the train! Chloe really liked the tunnel. She said it was dark and pretty in there.
It was a warm day, but there were lots of smiles and fun! We are even more excited to go to Chicago this fall!

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