Friday, August 8, 2008

A monkey named Jocelyn

I am positive Jocelyn is going to be the first of the triplets to go to the ER. For those of you that have not been to our home, we live in a "gated community" for this reason. We have a huge gate that blocks of the kitchen, one at the top of the stairs, one at the bottom of the stairs, and one in the hallway. We also keep the bathroom door closed at ALL times (they climb on top of the potty). Our home is child-proofed and beyond. However, I am learning that child-proof, does not mean triplet proof, or more specifically Baby A (Jocelyn) proof. We have caught some on camera, and some where there was no time for the camera. Some of the stunts our sweet little Jocelyn performs: using Farrah and or Silvie to climb on top of Chloe's bed. Hanging from the stove (pictured above), climbing on to the bathroom counter (via the toilet), she can even get the toothbrush abd turn on the water by herself. Getting into the reclining chair using her unbelievable arm strength, standing on the kitchen table, hanging from the refrigerator door. Let us not forget, attempting to climb the hall gate (she was almost over), attempting to climb dresser drawers and closet shelves. I am positive there are more that I am forgetting. But that gives you a clear idea of what I mean when I say she will be the first to the ER. Also keep in mind, that I do not leave the girls unattended, not ever! Jocelyn is just a really really great climber, she is faster than the speed of sound. She usually goes for it when I am tending one of her sisters' needs. All the while she is looking at me with those sweet little eyes that are saying "I'm gonna do it Mommy". When I shower they are either in the bathroom (yep, all 4) with me (this is so relaxing, if you would like to borrow them to try it, I'll sign you up, there's a waiting list you know), sound asleep with Chloe on guard, or another adult is here with us. (Daddy or one of our Grams). The last is the most used, hence the reason I usually look like I have not showered during the day. She keeps me on the move, well they all do, I just have to be quicker with our little monkey-girl.

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