Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Papa's Punkins

Papa has the camping and all the necessities out for the week. We went out to grill and play last night. It was relaxing, well I mean as relaxing as it ever gets when we are around. We hammys and hotdoggies, fresh tomatoes and cantaloupe, and of course Papas fav, baked beans (Silvie loves them as much as her Papa.) After dinner, we headed over to the play ground. Papa was in his glory playing with his "little punkins". They were running everywhere. Papa even helped them on the monkey bars and climbing wall. If that isn't the perfect thing for my kids...climbing monkeys! After we played hard we changed into our jammies and went to get an ice cream! Everyone was tuckered out and ready for bed. I am sure we will be spending some time out their this weekend! I hope the weather is as great as it has been. I love Iowa when the weather is like this...

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