Thursday, September 4, 2008

Chloe's First Day

Chloe had her first day of preschool Tuesday (almost caught up with my posts this week). She was VERY excited. As soon as she woke up she was ready to brush her hair and teeth and get dressed! If you know Chloe, you know this is not typical of her. She would rather hang out in pjs until she is ready to be dressed for the day. Usually she has to be reminded at least 50 times that the sugar bugs are making "messes" on her teeth, and that rats are invading her locks! Not this day though. She was ready to go. After lunch, I loaded the troops and we headed to school. Of course we had photos opportunity first. She had a wonderful first day. She learned 3 new songs and was picked to be the "snack cup handerouter" that's my girl! They played outside, visited the animals and had goldfish and milk for a snack. She cannot wait to back today (even if her shoes were full of sand from the playground).

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