Wednesday, September 17, 2008

constructing our new swingset

We made the 2 swing set into a 4 swing set. Which will make the 4 little beauties that live in this house VERY HAPPY! All summer they have been sharing time on the swings...who wants to do that? Not the little beauties that is for sure. Papa Steve and Daddy "built an addition" this afternoon. They rearranged the slide and climbing wall and added 2 new swings. Yeah! The girls had a great time playing outside. We all enjoyed the sunshine. Jocelyn loved "helping" Papa. They also have a great time playing in the rock bed.


  1. I looove that you take so many pictures! I've been following your blog--obviously doing that better than picking up the phone and calling you.
    So....County is looking for temp dispatchers. Wanna reprise the Golden Age of dispatching with me? Sounds like Matt's already doing it!

  2. Yeah...I'm up for temping...hahaha...not sure they could pay me what I am really worth these days...hahaha...I am glad to know you are following...I'm crappy at the phone call thing too! Hopefully we will figure it out soon!
