Saturday, September 6, 2008

Go Hawkeyes

We were dressed ready for the game! the Little Beauties have new Iowa Hawkeye shirts with each of their names printed on the back. The shirts were done by Rage Graphix. (free advertisement, you're welcome Matt.) Iowa vs. ummmm...I'm not sure. Sorry...I am a fan. I just don't pay that close attention. I am more of a tailgater I guess. You know the kind that never actually makes it to the game. I do know they beat the other team 42-0!!! YEAH! Here are some photos of the Little Beauties on our way to the park. By the way...Iowa plays Iowa State next Saturday. (See I do keep track of some things.)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Hawks!! We were all decked out in hawk attire this week too!! :)Katie
