Monday, September 29, 2008

Not Me Monday

What a Fabulous Family. What a Fabulous Blog. I was introduced to a new blog tonight. I have been reading for an hour now. I cannot stop. I giggle. I tear up. I wanted to reach out and hug MckMama several times already and I am just getting introduced to her site. Love it! MckMama has introduced me to "Not Me Monday" you know for all that stuff we do...but never really want to admit to doing. Here's my bean spill for the day...

1. I did not sleep in this morning, letting Stinky get up with the girls for the 3rd day in a row...nope.
2. I did not give in to the request of a "happier meal" tonight after Chloe's dance class because I was feeling a bit lazy and not like making dinner...or rather cleaning up dinner...not me.
3. I did not let my four year old fall asleep on the couch again because it is sometimes easier than attempting to sneak out of her room at 2 in the morning...not me.
4. I did not spend 2 1/2 hours reading a few new blogs, when there are 3 heaping baskets of laundry to be folded...never...not me.
5. I did not sit and stare at the elliptical machine again tonight, pleading it to just do the work out for me...I never promised to get started way...not me...


  1. Oh my! Your little beauties are surely gorgeous! Loved your Not Me's and beware...McKmama is very addictive!! Don't say I didn't warn ya!

  2. i totally know what you mean about spending all that time looking at others blogs. my laundry is calling right now. i suggest putting your iPod in and turning it up really loud!!

  3. I did the same thing to my elliptical last night...but Dancing with the Stars called my name and my butt will have to stay the same size for one more day...

    Beautiful little girls!

  4. I LOVE your "Not Me's!!" Love the pics. I'll send you some pics of my 3 beauties tonight!!

