Friday, October 3, 2008

Fun Times

The Little Beauties and Mommy headed to "Tot Time" this morning. It was 2 fun filled hours. There were lots of new faces and tons of toys to play with/on/in. We met Nurse Bev and her grand kids, David and Lizzie. The beauties loved chasing David around. It was non-stop play/run/climb. I had to bribe them with graham crackers to get them to leave when time was up. We purchased a punch pass and I have a feeling it will become our new Friday morning activity throughout the colder months. After a nap this afternoon, we decided to head to the park for some more play time. The weather was GORGEOUS, and we could not bare to look out from the inside. We trekked to the Ghetto the new Choo-Choo. Of course a great time as always! We ended the day of play in our backyard...playing in Daddy's hunting blind. Fall is in the air! YEAH!

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