Monday, October 27, 2008

The Little Beauties' Pumpkins

Chloe showing her sisters how it's done.
Everyone wants a turn with the big scooper.
Chloe looking like a IS her 4th Halloween ya know!
All the Beauties digging goo out.
More pumpkin goo...
Digging in...
Always time to pose for the camera.
Yep...Silvie is eating pumpkin goo...yuck.
Jocelyn working the masterpiece.
Silvie checking out the insides.
Spooky Pumpkins=Happy Beauties
From left to right: Jocelyn with the witches hat, Farrah with Minnie Mouse, Silvie with a spider, and Chloe with the floating witch cutout (a new thing this year)
Our two day pumpkin carving session ended with four "spooky" looking pumpkins. Well they aren't all that spooky but they are pretty cute. The Beauties LOVED pulling out pumpkin goo! They pulled and scraped and even taste-tested the pumpkin guts...gross...We started carving on Sunday afternoon and finally finished all 4 pumpkins tonight. We had a nice little break in between the gutting and the carving. The Little Beauties enjoyed putting the carved out pieces into the trash, and loved posing for pictures with their finished pumpkins.

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