Wednesday, October 1, 2008

No Pumpkin Patch...Sick punkins...

No pumpkin patch today. The Little Beauties were up most of the night. Farrah running a 103 temperature. Jocelyn and Silvie up having sympathy for Farrah. They would not stay in their beds without screaming if we took Farrah out of the room.


  1. You poor Mommy!!!! Whats the deal with Miss Farrah? Cold? Ears? Boy the symptom list is endless isn't it!

    Macy's been sick since last week with a cold and its evolved into something completely different. I think she's finally better on her own accord no thanks to the dr who's not my normal ped dr. I really miss is when I can't get the girls into my dr. :(

    Hopefully they're all better so you can enjoy the weekend. I think we're heading to the pumpkin patch this weekend!


  2. Hi Honey! Nice to know someone is there with me! Hope Macy is feeling better soon too!
    The triplets have all had a cold that just will not quit...since the first weekend in Sept! Augh! Joce and Farrah both developed ear infections...antibiotics don't help with crabbiness haha!
    Have fun at the pumpkin patch! I want to see should start a blog!
