Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Road Trip...part 2

Jumping...well they are sitting in this shot.

Jocelyn just being silly...

Farrah or Chloe...

Silvie...just being silly...

Relaxing in Daddy's bed...

Jumping again

Is he here yet?

Curtain peek-a-boo

Our road trip to Des Moines went very well. I was a bit nervous when we started out yesterday afternoon, as I decided to for-go laying the Beauties down for their afternoon nap, thinking they would snooze on the way. We merged onto I80 and not long after that, traffic slowed to a stop. Accident on our route. We creeped and crawled for just shy of an hour. The Beauties were a bit impatient, but as soon soon as we were moving at a steady pace of 74 mph again, snoozing they were. Chloe was my road buddy the entire way. We sang and giggled and looked at the moo-moos grazing the the parallel fields. Chloe was amazed that I had "put the directions in my head" and just could not figure out how on earth I put them in there. We arrived about forty-five minutes before Daddy was finished with class. The Little Beauties had a GRAND time in the hotel room. Yep...they trashed the joint. They jumped on the beds, kissed the mirrors and played peek-a-boo in the curtains. When Daddy arrived they were thrilled to see him! We headed to Bennigans for dinner. As we studied the menu for what to order, the Beauties enjoyed their crayons, yes literally. (Why is it the toddlers eat crayons again?) Our server was so sweet! She loved watching the girls make a mess. Just a little eat FREE on Tuesdays at Beauties favorite part were the shamrock cookies, complete with green sparkles for dessert. Should make for interesting diapers. After dinner we let the Beauties run the hallways at the hotel. The other guests were all smiles. We were quite famous! Jocelyn and Farrah were waving bye-bye to everyone that walked past us. Farrah and Silvie do not like riding in "alligators". They hold on for dear life. Kind of cute really. Chloe did the same thing until about two years ago. She broke her fear of "alligators" while Mommy was "living" in the hospital. We changed into our jammies, gave Daddy lots of hugs and kisses (enough to last him until Friday I think) and started back home. All four girls fell asleep almost instantly. Mommy caught up on some quiet time. It was a quick trip, but worth it. We sure do miss Daddy! Cannot wait until Friday when he is back at home.

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