Thursday, November 13, 2008

Slow down Please

It occurred to me this week how quickly the Little Beauties are growing up. Chloe will be starting Kindergarten next Fall. She loves Preschool so much and I believe she would rather be there than at home. She is all girlie girl. Loves singing and dancing and acting! She is sweet and caring and gentle. She loves everyone and is such a great Big Sister!
The Triplets are quickly turning into little people. They have changed from babies ever so quickly. It seems it was yesterday I felt them kicking around inside me and now they run and talk and interact. They are showing true toddlers signs. Words like "mine" and "no". They love hugs and kisses and throwing food on the floor!
It is truly amazing! I am such a blessed woman to call these four Little Beauties my Daughters.

1 comment:

  1. ah yah, tell me about it. my baby girl is going to be 5 on monday!?!? what? i think that is why i let her snuggle in our bed from time to time...pretty soon, i won't know a darn thing! love ya and feelin' your pain, darlin'.
