Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sweet and Innocent

The Little Beauties were still on the side of Cranky today. I think they are feeling a little better though. Farrah still wants her Mommy to hold her round the clock. I am doing as much holding as a Mommy of four as I can.
I had to share a little "Chloeism" from today...
She is loving school. She gets so excited on the days she goes. She cannot wait to get there and see all her friends. She is quite the social butterfly. When I picked her up today she was filling me in on the new "Turkey" song they learned. Then she continues by telling me about her friend Jessica, who has been out sick for a few days, she has been very concerned about her absence. "Mommy, Jessica has been gone from school for a l-o-n-g time. She was finally back today. She told me she had her "stencils" taken out." I replied to this, "Her stencils?" Chloe, "Yeah her "stencils" she had been having lots of sore throats, so her doctor said her throat would feel better without them." So sweet. So innocent. My little Chloe. then she says, "Mommy,my throat is scratchy, do I need to have my "stencils" out?" Mommy replies, "No sweetie, you can keep your stencils." Chloe, "Good, cuz I might need them sometime. My throat doesn't hurt anyway, it just scratches."


  1. I just stumbled on your blog, and I am laughing out loud over here. Your girls are the cutest things ever!

  2. awww, that is so sweet that she was so worried about her friend. and i LOVE the stencils :)

  3. Gah, I have been trying for weeks to get the follower link to work on your blog and it worked tonight for me!! Persistance pays off huh? :o) Have a great night and thanks again for my award!! Love it!
