Thursday, November 27, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving. What a wonderful beginning to the Holiday Season. We spent the day travelling between our parents' homes. Spending time with each of them today was important to us and to the Little Beauties. We shared the afternoon meal with Matt's Mom, aka Grandma Val, Stepdad, Grandmother Darlene, Alicia and Eli and Baby Will, Matt's Aunts, Uncles and a few cousins. We ate and shared some stories, caught up with what everyone has been up to, Matt, Val and I did a lot of Beauty chasing. They did not want to sit still. They wanted in to everything. They loved the fix-ins today! Jocelyn liked the pumpkin pie so much she was eating it from the whole pie with a spoon! Chloe even tried corn! And she liked it even! Yeah Chloe Girl! We started packing up about 2:30 and head home to drop off Daddy. He had worked all night and needed to get some sleep before work tonight. We spent the second half of the day at Gramma Pam and Papa Steve's house. Ant Dee, Uncle Chad and Molli were there too. We enjoyed another fabulous meal. Some laughs and some funny stories...not going into details...but we laughed. The Beauties ate potatoes (from the bowl, right Farrah?) Silvie was the "Jello Princess." Jocelyn ate more pumpkin pie for dessert. We played for a while, changed into jammies and headed for home. No naps and after bedtime makes for crabby toddlers! Not to mention they are still fighting colds. It is a bit after nine, all the Beauties are asleep and I am thinking about what this day means and the things in my life I am truly the most thankful for.
Here they are simply stated...
I am thankful for my Matty. My Stinky. My Husband. My Soul mate. The Father of my daughters. My Lover. My Best friend.
I am thankful for my Little Beauties. Chloe, Jocelyn, Farrah and Silvie. My Beautiful, smiley, healthy and happy daughters. I cannot imagine one single minute without them. I am so thankful to be their Mommy.
I am thankful for out wonderful parents. They mean so much to all of us.
I am thankful for my BFF Molly and her health.
I am thankful for my family and friends.
I am thankful each morning when I open my eyes and take in a brand new day.
I am thankful for the life I am blessed with.
I am Thankful.


  1. love love love the new header!! TOO cute. Glad you guys had a wonderful thanksgiving. Enjoy your weekend.
