Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008....a whirlwind

Chloe and her sassy new boots

Silvie opening

Daddy cooking on Christmas morning

Silvie or is it Snow White?

Farrah and Silvie

Little Beauties in their little tutus
Jocelyn and her favorite present...the toothbrush

Skater pose

Farrah and the famous toothbrush...hers and sissy's

Silvie and the new battery operated toothbrush...a big hit with all 4 Beauties!

Little Toxic Sugar

Coloring Christmas pictures with our new crayons

Santa brought Chloe a make-up bag...complete with eyelash curler. Maybe Mommy will be able to find hers now, or at least have one to borrow.

In the house

Chloe and Molli with Nana

Time for night night

Farrah loving Daddy

To a new tradition! We went out for pizza on Christmas Eve!
Papa and Gram, Nana, Uncle Chad, Aunt Dee and Molli and us. It was fun! Actually, there were a few other families there too! No cooking, no clean up!
Chloe, Papa and Mollimarie standing at the Santa House.
We go to look at lights every Christmas Eve. This one is one of our very favorites.

The Little Beauties had a fabulous holiday. They are not lacking anything that is for sure. We have new playhouse and dollies and roller skates and much more galore! They favorites of course were the skates, mermaid Barbies, the puffs and the toothbrushes, and the new dolly strollers...oh and the playhouse...they will not stay out of it!
We also say we remember and think of you with love...Papa Terry in heaven,who's birthday was Christmas day. Great Papa Paul, who went to heaven on Christmas Eve 2003. We miss you and love you everyday! We know you are watching over us as God's Angels.


  1. Looks like you all had a great day *grin*! I love the pizza on Christmas Eve tradition; so perfect when there is so much to do after everyone goes to bed.

  2. Glad you had a wonderful Chrismtas! The girls looked like they were in heaven with all those new toys. LOVE the tutu's and the skater pose! LOL
