Monday, December 22, 2008

Holiday Fun

Selling kisses at the market

Chloe practicing her opening skills

What...a washing machine for the Beauties to use? Mommy on break

Jocelyn and Aunt Ande eating like good girls...Santa is watching

Jocelyn and Gramma

Checking out the Cherry Blossom Market

Gramma and Farrah

Jocelyn giving Haley kisses

Chloe girl says "Hi"

Chloe and her new Wii

Haley and her new ipod
Little Beauties tearing into the gifts...they say thank you by the way

Daddy and Farrah

Aunt Ande and Silvie

Chloe and Haley

Chloe and Haley all sparkly

Farrah and Christmas decor

Silvie found the tinsel

Triplets in tights

Saturday was our Christmas celebration with Gramma Valerie and Grandpa Dave, Aunt Ande and Haley-bop. The Little Beauties were all dressed up in their holiday dresses...yep they looked pretty darn sweet. we had a great afternoon together. We left before the wind began howling. Chloe got to stay at Gramma's and have a sleep over with Haley. Matt and I put the Littlest Beauties to bed and I "schooled" him in Wii bowling!


  1. Triplets in tights photo is the BESt! Love it.

  2. I just wanted to pop in and say that I really enjoy your blog. The pics are great and I love the one of them in tights. So sweet. Merry Christmas.:)

  3. Kimmy - I'm jealous! I want a Wii!!!! Love the pics; the girls are gorgeous as always. Merry Christmas!
