Sunday, December 7, 2008

Put on your Big Girl Panties

It's is time to put the potty to use at our house! Call it what you will...craziness, motivation, or just plain tired of spending so much bank buying diapers...we are starting to potty train. The Little Beauties had their first taste at Big Girl Panties today. They loved it! Silvie has peepered and poopied in the potty. Farrah was the first to peeper in the potty. Jocelyn hasn't dared to do either. Baby steps I say...Baby Steps. Had to share some pictures of them in their brand new Big Girl Panties! Thanks Grammy Pam.


  1. wow! that is awesome, they are so young! peer pressure or conformity might get them trained!

  2. Good for you!! I was thinking that after the 1st of the year I would try it with my triplets. Let me know of any pointers that you may have!!

  3. WOW! Good for your gals! One of mine STILL has yet to poo in the potty. They just refuse to do it regularly. Ugg. I keep telling them they can't go to school until they poop in the potty - so far that isn't good enough motivation and neither is bribing them with toys. Way to go!
