Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Snow Beauties

The Little Beauties enjoyed playing in the snow for the first time today! Yes it is snowing here in Iowa. Actually it is coming down very fast. Miss Chloe is a huge fan of snowy days. Her and Daddy are out in it every chance they have. She is part polar bear I think. I decided since we all have a major case of the "cabin fevers" around here, that we were going to turn our inside day into an outside day (well an outside hour anyway.) We bundled up in snow pants, coats, hats, scarves, mittens, boots, two pairs of socks each (yes this does equal 10 pairs) not to mention an "extra" layer of clothing under all this, and headed out. Jocelyn loved it immediately! Silvie was not far behind. It took Farrah a little bit. She did not want to walk in it! Once she did, however, it was on! They had a great time walking and sitting and trying to run. They even gave the snow a taste. I think from today on, snow days will be some of the Little Beauties favorite kind of days! Happy Winter to all!

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