Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Monday

Mondays...a case of the Mondays. We are so ready for Spring around here. We have some serious cabin fever. Why did that darn Punk groundhog have to see that shadow? Grammy Pam came over today to see the girls, she was going to take Miss Chloe to dance class, however, the littlest beauties were not letting them leave the house without a fight! They wanted to go too. None of them took their napper today, so they were wired and grumpy. I was too tired to fight, so we loaded everyone up to go "bye-bye" they beauties were thrilled to go for a car ride. Funny, I always want to go to sleep in the car...not the beauties though. They look all around and comment on anything and everything. Doggies, people, cars, airplanes...and of course one of their favorite new sayings..."wasat" (what's that) if you weren't sure. They enjoyed being out and about for forty five or so minutes, even if it was in the van.

1 comment:

  1. Cases of the "monday's" are easier to come by when the weather is dreary, dark, cold,, and wet!! I don't miss that at all!! I hope you week goes GREAT!
