Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

It's a wee bit late, but it has been a busy week (okay...a couple weeks) around here. The Little Beauties and healthy and full of mischief. Sugar Mommy went back to her "pre-beauties" work this past weekend at the flower shop. I worked all weekend for the Valentine holiday. It was good, but I must say it really makes me feel so blessed to be able to stay at home with my girls everyday and watch them grow, learn and to give unlimited kisses, snuggles and love. I am a lucky woman. I love every single day! Even the tough ones are better with them than away from them for me.

On another note...I am the proud owner of my dream camera! Matt surprised me on Valentines
Day with my very own (much longed for) Nikon D90. I love it! (Let's just's my Valentine, birthday, anniversary, Christmas surprise for the next several years.) I have been snapping away the last two days...Here are some of my very first much to learn...but I think I caught a few very beautiful shots. I cannot wait to learn all the ins and outs and functions and features. I am taking a photography class in March.
I promise to get back to blogging...I miss I will have lots of photos to share!