Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Photos

Birthday Morning...Chloe was able to open a gift first thing...Miley's new CD...a keeper...of course

The night before the big day...Grandma Val, Aunt Ande and Haley came down to have cake!

Chloe took Sunflower cupcakes with little ladybugs on them to share with her classmates at preschool. Thanks again Aunt Deanna!

Daddy helping the birthday girl with her candles. She was a little camera shy. Daddy was in Des Moines for the week but made a special trip home for the evening for his little girl's birthday dinner and cake!

Papa and Farrah

Silvie showing her cake face

Chloe and her special Barbie cake from Gramma Pam.

Chloe posing in her birthday crown. They made it for her at preschool.

Jocelyn showing her cake face.

Chloe posing with her new bedroom accessory. A "mosquito net" she loves it!

Pretending not to pay attention to Mommy's camera...doing a pretty good job too.

High School Musical Barbie

More presents!


  1. those cupcakes look wonderful, so cute! happy birthday chloe!

  2. Happy Birthday Chloe!! I love ya angel... When was your birthday? Mine was on 1 March! Happy, happy Birthday sweetie! Kiss! We are both pisces... So sweet... Your brother Bell
