Friday, March 20, 2009

Welcome Spring

Chloe giving Jocelyn a push in the swing. Jocelyn loves to swing. I think she would swing all day if someone would keep giving her pushes. Chloe was trying to explain to her how to pump her legs. It was really cute.

Jocelyn off the swing, but only for a moment. She stole a ride on Big Sissy's bike. Big Sissy was not very happy about this. She is not really into sharing her big sister things these days.

Chloe posing for Mommy. She loves to swing too! She can get herself going really high! She practices a lot at school. You can almost always find her on the swings.

Silvie playing with the soccer ball. She was having so much fun throwing it. I do believe that is an illegal move in soccer, however, she was having so much fun, I think I will teach her the rules of the game another day.

Jocelyn swinging again. I told you the girl loved to swing.

Silvie and Chloe playing a hands on game of soccer. It appears I need to teach Chloe the rules of soccer too.

Farrah and Silvie getting ready to make a goal. Again hands on.

Farrah says, "oooh Mommy look, I unzipped my coat again!" This was Farrah's favorite game today. She would look to see if I was watching,if I was looking away she would unzip it and then come running at me with this face saying "ooooh" I lost count somewhere around fifty times.

Mommy's little diva. Chloe always posing for the camera! She was ready for the shot.

Farrah looking cute. (She switched coats with Jocelyn.)

Silvie swinging and loving it.

Silvie swinging again. (and yes she switched coats with Farrah this time.)
The Little Beauties loved their afternoon in the backyard.
We raked some leaves. Chased some robins and even spotted a woodpecker in the neighbors tree. They played musical coats a few times, and of course had to have a taste of sand (yucky). It was a fun filled afternoon.

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