Friday, April 17, 2009

A day in the Park

Around nine this morning, we were finishing up with breakfast and heard a loud boomer. A transformer blew...leaving us powerless. Taking advantage of no power and a beautiful day...we decided to head out on an adventure...

I packed a picnic basket, some sippies with milk, sun hats and sunscreen and of course the camera and we headed out.

We landed at City Park...One half of the park is still badly damaged from last years flooding, but we managed to find the perfect area, sand, swings and a picnic table.

The Little Beauties and I played for several hours. We hunted for pinecones, walked around the park and chased "robbies" (robins), we even tried to catch a squirrel. They had a great time sharing a picnic lunch. Farrah and Jocelyn even shared their Cheetos "lady and the tramp" style. Chloe tried to get in a little sunbathing while we were there.

All four were a bit reluctant to leave, however, after two plus hours of fresh air...a nap was in the near future. They napped very well today.

Hooray for a day in the park.


  1. Nothing like a day at the park!! LOVE the lady and the tramp action!!! LOL!

  2. I just love the cheetos picture. It is so sweet!!

  3. How wonderful... we have just played in our back yard... need to get out more! Promise to call you soon!!

  4. ohhh kim! how i do love you and your beauties. wanna share cheetos lady and the tramp style with me?! lol

  5. Love the pictures Sugar Mommy and I think it's now safe to say we live in the same town. I've been suspecting as much for a while based on a few other posts but now I'm almost positive. I'll now be watching for you and your beauties around town! :)
