Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Egg x thirty

Thirty eggs sure seems like a lot when they are boiling away in the pot. Thirty eggs sure seems like a lot when you say the number aloud. Thirty eggs sure did not seem to satisfy Chloe's need to color eggs last night. She wanted to color thirty more, maybe sixty more would not have been enough. She had a blast. I started out with the plan to have the Littlest Beauties help too. As the afternoon went on, without a nap...I nixed that plan. They were in no mood and neither was I. Does that sound bad? Anyway, Chloe was very excited not to have to share this activity with her baby sisters. She did such a great job. We have some very beautiful eggs. Most of them were dipped at least three or four times. She said she didn't want any boring eggs. They all had to be just beautiful. They will make for some very de-lish deviled eggs for this weekend. If I can get Chloe to allow me to crack her artwork.


  1. I love coloring eggs, it's so much fun. They are so pretty makes you not want to eat them.

  2. OH SNAP... you just reminded me that I need eggs for Easter to decorate! Have a good week!

  3. aw! those are very beautiful eggs! and please save some deviledeggs for me :)
