Thursday, April 2, 2009

Round Up

It was Kindergarten Round Up today at Chloe's Elementary School. Or should I say, the school we are trying to transfer her into. We actually live in a different district, however due to many different factors, we wish to transfer to another school. Yes, it is a little farther. Yes, we will have to drive her there and pick her up. But...she is worth it. The school district we live in has good teachers, it is within walking distance from our home, it is a nice school, a newer one really. It has a brand new park. On the other side, after much research both with parents and teachers currently at the school, not to mention with Matt being a Police Officer in the area...we have learned their are a lot of behavioral issues, parents that do not care about education, respect, etc. There have been numerous fights in the school this year, some even as young as first and second graders. The teachers and staff are so preoccupied with some of these issues...a lot of children fall through the cracks. Most of those children seems to be the middle class children whose parents value education and being involved in their children's lives. We have many, many of these kids living right near us. Examples of some of the things we have witnessed...a fifth grade girl got attacked in our neighbors yard last summer, by a group of sixth grade kids. There is tons of vandalism, and property damage in our neighborhood. There have been several arrests in the neighborhood for drugs and selling. Some of which were parents of kids in our neighborhood. Kids will walk along the sidewalks and throw trash in yards. They have zero respect for anyone or anything. They shout obscenities at our retired neighbors. Where are their parents? Who knows...I know that it is not the fault of the children. I feel bad for them and wish there was more that I could do to help. I am scared of our neighborhood. I do understand there are aways eggs among children and teens and adults. My children are not perfect angels, however, I do make every attempt to teach them respect, value and morals. Also to take care of people and things around them. I want more for my daughters. I want them to have every possible chance to succeed. I want the to grow up to be good people.
Back to round was so much fun to meet her teachers, to meet other parents whose children are also beginning school. It was so neat to see her in the school environment, interacting with other kids and her teacher. We learned a lot, and she did too. She was able to go to the library with the other kids and her teacher. They read a book, drew a picture and had a snack. What will I do in the fall when she is gone all day? I am trying to begin to prepare myself already. Matt said I will cry, ahh he knows me so well, doesn't he?

1 comment:

  1. Hey! You are not a jerk, I actually bought a peg and a triple decker from another triplet mama!

    Your girls are precious! I am trying to get a bunch of triplet moms together for a trip to the zoo this summer, send me an email.

