Thursday, April 30, 2009

We love BabyLegs

I won a contest on on facebook! Yea! I am a HUG fan of Babylegs, and so are the Little Beauties. We have several differet styles ( eight different ones) multiply that by four and obviously we are lovers of the leg warmers. I am a fan on their facebook site. They put out a contest, submit a photo of your child or children sporting BabyLegs and the owner/staff were going to be picking their favorite photo. The winner wins a basket of BabyLegs. I submitted a photo of the Little Beauties wearing their Bumblebee leggings...We Won! I am pumped and so are the Beauties.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the Babylegs!!! I love them too, and I am sure the beauties will get lots of use out of them!!
