Saturday, May 9, 2009

Another Wonderful Spring day

The Beauties favorite place to be...the backyard...of course. We have been outside almost everyday this Spring. They love to explore. They love to swing. The littlest Beauties have even decided they are ready for big-girl swings. All four of them fight over the one that we have. (Guess it's time to get three more, huh?) They love to pick "flowers" aka dandelions. They love the rocks, the sand, the fresh air. They chase birdies and watch for airplanes. They look for "evil kitty" and puppies and even worms. They roll down the hill. They have even discovered the croquet game. Chloe loves it! She wants to play every single time we go out. They just plain ole love being outside. It makes me so happy when they are happy and having a good time just being Little Beauties.

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