Friday, May 15, 2009

Big Ole Fish

Farrah running with a mouthful of water.

Silvie and Jocelyn racing up the hill.

Checking out the fishy

Silvie running on the bridge...slow down...don't run!

Chloe's first bass

Chloe's Big Ole Fish

Check out Sissy's Fishy

Farrah pointing at...but not touching the "wormies"

The "wormies"

Chloe and her "wormie"
Can you say...ahem...Tomboy?

Throwing back a fish...swim buddy

Jocelyn liked the "princess" pole but not the "wormies"

Chloe's first fish of the season. The Littlest Beauties were fascinated.

She is getting really good at casting her line.

Mommy and her Beauties

Enjoying the view.

Farrah enjoying a "nannie" and "chippies"...simultaneously

Our favorite bridge at the park.

We were able to soak in the day as a family was wonderful to be together...all together...and long over due. We decided to take advantage of the gorgeous weather and spend the day outdoors. We packed a picnic lunch, picked up some wormies for fishing and headed out.
Chloe and her Daddy love fishing together. We all went a couple times last year, but this was the first time we dared to go without stroller. The littlest Beauties were on the loose. They enjoyed running all over, especially over the bridge and near the water. Yes, this made the Mommy VERY nervous. They however, thought it was fantastic. Chloe and her Daddy caught four fish! Her pride was a pretty large bass. Caught of course on the "Princess" pole. It was a foot at least, maybe a little bigger. We were all so very proud of her. What a little angler! It was a cherished day for all of us. We love being together...there is nothing better.

1 comment:

  1. We took the kids fishing the other day! My girl kicked our butts by catching 6 fish!! You look like you had a great day! Have a good weekend!
