Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cindy Moo Who and her bebe

Cindy Moo Who and bebe Moo Who

Grandpa Dave raises cows. Chloe is fascinated by them. She went last year to see the babies and even "got her very own cow" her name "Cindy Moo-Who." The Beauties, Gramma Val and I went went to visit the cows today (the triplets first time ever.) We got to ride in the gator and everything. Fun! The cows were very interested in much as we were them. We saw Cindy Moo-Who...she is all grown up and a Momma herself these days. Chloe thought is was so cool that she had a calf and it even has a white face just like Cindy! The Beauties fed them some corn and were so excited that they came up so close to us. Everyone stayed clear of the "cowpies" well...everyone except Mommy that is. I stepped right into a brand new fresh one...ewwww...ewwww...ewwww...I am such a city gal, and have no problem admitting that to anyone.

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