Monday, June 29, 2009


Ah...vacation. Sun, sandy beaches, yummy food and most of all fun!
Nope...not me...darn it.
My Chloe girl left this evening. She is southbound to Florida with Grammy Pam, Papa Steve, Uncle Chad and Mollimarie. They will be gone a week in sunny Daytona.
She was very excited to go. However, she is very afraid of jelly-fish and crabs. She has been talking about how afraid she is for the last week. We can thank Sponge Bob Square Pants for that. I told her that the crabs and jelly-fish will be more afraid of her and not to worry. She is still worried.
Her send off went okay. She cried a bit before Grammy picked her up, saying she was excited to go but wished that all of us could go. Mommy, Daddy, her and her sisters. I told her we wished that too. Made me sad. But I know she will have a great time.
I miss her already. It's so quiet here and she has only been gone four hours.
Have fun sweetie! Make sure you wear your hat and sunscreen.


  1. omg! how fun for chloe girl! little traveler. i wish you were going too, maybe in a year or so. if jon and kate can do it, so can you guys...oh yah, they get everything paid for! lame! miss you girl. let's get some coffee very soon. loves you.

  2. I hope your little world traveler has a great time!!! :o)
