Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Father's Day Daddy

Daddy's Day was a hot one here! Really hot. Since Daddy has had his boat several months now...we decided what better day to load up the Beauties and take the boat to the lake. Chloe and Jocelyn jumped right in, no fear of course. Farrah and Silvie were a bit more reluctant. They had to be handed off to Daddy already in the boat, and were none too happy about it in the first few minutes. They warmed up rather quickly...as soon as we started moving. They all four took turns "helping" Daddy steer. They loved watching for ducks, geese and jumping fish. They even did a little sunbathing, in their life vests of course. I think for future trips, we need to figure out how we can safely get in and out of the water from the boat so we can take a swim in the water. Besides being so hot, they wanted to jump in and swim. They all four wanted in! They were leaning over the sides...making Mommy and Daddy a bit nervous. Just not sure how to get back in a fishing boat from the water? Any suggestions?
It was a great day! After a couple hours, we headed to my brother's home for a BBQ with them and my parents. It was a great Father's Day.
Daddy said it was his favorite way to spend any day...with his Beauties!


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun. I think we need a boat, it would make for some great memeories and fun times!!

  2. Looks like great fun! I used to be a white water raft guide at a summer camp and when a kid fell in we just grabbed the shoulders of their life jacket and pulled them back into the boat...and your girls would be easy to pull in I'm sure. :)
