Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day one complete

Chloe and I began the transition last night. We are trying to get started on a night time routine. Hence school will begin in a month. Matt and I decided it was time to go full throttle on getting our first born out of our bed and into her own. She is not as sure as we are about this. She cried on and off all day yesterday, knowing that last night was the first night. We are easing into the change. I am sleeping in her room with her for the first three nights. Then I will lay with her until she is asleep for three nights. Then I will sit on her bed for three nights...and so on until I am out of the room. She did really well last night. We slept there all night, she didn't even wake when I got up twice to use the powder room. She was very excited this morning that we slept in there the entire night. Let's hope the excitement continues and things progress. I want my bed back. Wish us luck.

1 comment:

  1. yay chloe!! pretty soon you won't want your mom near your room, right!?!?! :) love, auntie molly
