Monday, July 27, 2009

Take Us Out to the Ball Game

Silvie and her balloon monkey

Jocelyn and Farrah riding "Papa's truck" All firetrucks are called Papa's truck

Cowgirl Farrah

Hayley and Farrah

Chloe and Papa Balloon

Chloe the Kernels fan

Haley doing a toe touch kick...(second from left in green)

Cowgirl Chloe

It was an afternoon at the Kernels game Sunday.
Haley-Bop was dancing before the game and we had to go and check out her skills. She's got mad skills, yo. Good job Haley.
The Beauties had a great time eating hot dogs, popcorn and ice cream. They rode the firetruck and the horsey rides. They even got balloon animals by Papa Balloon.
They didn't see much baseball...but it was a good time none the less.

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