Friday, July 31, 2009

Take us to the Fair...part 2

Mommy and the Beauties headed to the fair with cousin Molli and Grammy again last evening. It was the last day, so we decided we had so much fun Tuesday, we wanted to go again. Papa got ride armbands for the girls. They rode some rides. Ate some chicken and noodles and of course more ice cream. Ah...we love ice cream at the fair. We paid another visit to the animals. Cows, duckies and sheep. The girls loved the sheep and cows. Everyone agreed the ducks smelled the worst. Molli, Chloe, Farrah and Silvie even touched a SNAKE! Jocelyn wanted no part of the scary looking reptile! She did not like it at all. Grammy said that the four that did partake in the snake petting must not truly be her Grandbabies. Yucky.
We didn't make the fireworks...just too late for the beauties. They were ready to go about an hour before they were set to begin. Maybe next year.
We love the fair!


  1. Sounds like a blast!! I think (ok I know) I saw you guys there on Tuesday but I was too much of a wuss to come say I regret it. :) The fair is great, cheap fun!!

  2. Can you believe I've never been to the county fair?! Next year we'll have to go together--hope it doesn't interfere with Rollercon. ;)
