Friday, August 14, 2009

The eve of an Adventure

It is the eve of the adventure.
We have bags packed, snacks packed, camera packed, clothing changes packed. Check, check, check...we are ready for an adventure.
We are leaving at six bells with the Beauties.
Headed for Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.
There was lots of excitement in the house before bedtime.
Jocelyn is excited for the penguins, Silvie the fish, Farrah the otters and Chloe...yep the jellyfish and octopus. Hmmmm...on that one...she was scared of them before her visit to Florida. So much that she wasn't sure she wanted to go to the ocean.
This will be the Beauties first l-o-n-g car ride. Hopefully they will sleep the entire way.
Look for updates and photos...

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