Thursday, September 10, 2009

Crib tents are in the mail

The Beauties screaming for Mommy.

After the closet was "cleaned" out.

Watching Blue while Mommy reassembled their cribs.

I sure hope they arrive soon. Really soon. The day was like all the rest this week. No naps for the little beauties. They spent nap time climbing out of their cribs...over and over and over again. I must have put them back in the better part of thirty times today. Enough was enough. I decided to night to complete assembly on the third toddler bed, and take the cribs apart. Things went fairly well. They seemed VERY excited about the cribs being "broke" and the new beds being made and put into their respective places in their room. When it came time for bed I took them to their room and attempted to put them in the beds, I assumed it would be a beauty party for a while, but never expected it to turn out the way it did...
Screaming times three...for tow hours times three. I did the whole sleep training bit...yeah, that doesn't work with triplets, I don't care what the experts say. After the screaming and pounding on the door settled, they removed EVERYTHING from the closet. Scattered clothing everywhere. Oh well, was my response. They will sleep...they have to sleep. WRONG-O...
I took them into Chloe's room, turned on Blue's Clues and decided that my Beauties are not ready to be in big girl beds yet...and neither am I. I removed the beds and began reassembling the by one until all three were back in place. Under forty minutes. I am an expert at cribs now...not a goal I always dreamed of, but, if you are preggo and need help with your me I can help...for a large fee of course. It is now just before midnight and all three are asleep in their beloved cribs. The crib tents better come with cryptonite locks, they should as much as they cost. Lesson learned...the Beauties are not ready to sleep in big girl beds yet.


  1. Yikes this does not sound like a fun night! I hope the crib tents work, I know a lot of people swear by them! This just gives me more reason to keep Abigail in her crib when #2 arrives...I've been debating it but I just don't think she's ready for a big girl bed and I just need to bite the bullet and buy another crib.

  2. FYI i just saw a crib tent on Craisglist (IC) for $35....I know you already ordered yours but thought I'd tell you anyways. :)
