Friday, February 5, 2010

Good Night

Are you sitting down? If not...please take a seat.

My sweet little Chloe...slept IN HER OWN BED ALL NIGHT.
Can we get a HOORAY!
I am so proud of her.

For the last several nights we have been doing our bedtime routine and having story time in HER room. She had been spending more time in there by herself, so we figured it was time to give it another try.
For four nights she and I laid down in her room together, she fell asleep, I went out. Between the hours of one midnight and one she would come downstairs and crawl into bed with me.
Last night, same routine, she asked if I would stay with her until she fell asleep. "Of course." I replied. She fell asleep. I went to bed. Next thing I knew, she was standing next to me. "Mommy, will you come upstairs and lay with me until I fall back asleep?" No kidding, exact words. "Of Course!" I replied. As we walked upstairs, I glanced at the clock...6:52...
Hooray! I am so proud of my Chloe Girl!