Thursday, March 11, 2010

Three Babies that look like Little Girls

Three years.  Three wonderful, crazy, fast paced, emotional, challenging, exhausting, overwhelming, unique, incredible, beautiful, amazing, busy, couldn't imagine my life without these beautiful miracles years.  I sit here and think of all the witty things I could write so that one day when my beauties are reading this they might say, "wow, Mom really knew how to put it into words."  Although I know the truest of words are those spoken from your heart.  From the heart is all I know.
When Matt and I learned that we were expecting triplets we were overwhelmed with joy.  We could not believe it.  We had been through numerous losses and couldn't bare the thought of losing another baby.  We took one day at a time.  Some days one minute at a time.  The pregnancy was scary.  So many what-ifs.  So many unknowns.  I went into preterm labor at 24 wks and spent the rest of my pregnancy as a resident in the mother/baby unit at the hospital.  It was difficult, however worth every single second.  My labor was kept under contral being stopped three times over the course of nine weeks.  At 33 wks and 1 day...we would finally meet baby girls A B and C.  Jocelyn, Farrah and Silvie were born on March 11th, 2007 at 10:37 and 10:38 and 10:38:15.  Everything happened so fast.  The details are really a blur in my mind.  The one thing I regret terribly about their birth...not video taping it.  I so wish I would have let Matt film it.  With Chloe I felt like an active participant, no epidural, pushing, breathing touching her and holding her the second she came.  With the triplets I was merely the "porthole" baby, baby, baby...just like that.  I remember crying the entire time and shaking.  I head all of them cry, but was unable to see any of them for several minutes because they were premature.  Matt went with them to the NICU, while they finished putting mommy back together.  It felt like an eternity before I fianlly was wheeled to the
NICU to meet my precious three.  They were perfect.  They were beautiful.  They were my triplets.  We did it.  We really did it.  This was only the beginning.
The first several months is a complete blur.  I was ALWAYS breastfeeding on of them.  I breastfed exclusivly girls (remember that when you have your own.  Mommy did three at a time.  I will be your lactation guide.  Cheering you on.)  Matt went to the Law Enforcement Academy fo 13 wks.  Only home for the very shortened weekends.  Their first birthday.  What a milestone.  How did a year pass that quickly?  Then the second bithday.  A second year gone.  With this day, another year, the third year.  Three year old triplets!  I know it is overused but, "where has the time gone?  I blinked and they are three.  Three.  Really?
I look at them and I see babies that look like little girls.  They are more than I ever imagined possible.  I wonder why God picked me.  I am grateful to him every second.  I hope when my Beauties are all grown, they will read this and know that while Mommy may not have been very witty, or creative with her choice of words, she loved us with her entire being.  I hope they know that my life was better because they were my daughters (all four).  Our lives have been blessed.  Touched be the Lord above.  As I sit here with tear filled eyes...Happy Birthday to my Three year old Triplet Beauties.  Jocelyn.  Farrah.  Silvie.  Mommy loves you.

1 comment:

  1. I started crying when I looked at the pictures, especially the one of Chloe "rocking" the three baby seats. I started outright BAWLING when I read your post.

    Kimberly, you are an AMAZING mommy. And your girls will thank you one day. And they will understand and appreciate everything you did for them, especially when they have babies of their own.
    You have so much of my respect and love.
