Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Daddy's gonna jump in the water

We went to the Lake on Saturday afternoon to watch the "Polar Plunge."  The Plunge is an annual event that raises money for the Special Olympics.  This year was Daddy's first year to participate in the plunge.  Burr.  the Beauties were very very excited and intrigued waiting for the jumping to begin.  We had front row view.  The Beauties had a great time throwing rocks and sticks in the water as we waited for the fun to begin.  Daddy jumped in with a group of officers and he even went under water.  Did I say burr?  The water in March, in Iowa?  Burr.  He was all smiles the entire time and the Beauties wanted him to jump in again.  He passed, and said next year he would.  The Beauties also were able to meet and get their photo taken with Herkey.  They were all very excited, well except Jocelyn, she only liked him from a distance.
The Beauties favorite part of the afternoon...throwing rocks and sticks into the Lake.

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