Saturday, April 10, 2010

Don't forget your smile

Chloe had her very first music concert at school Thursday.
She was so very excited to show off all that she had been learning in music class so far this year.  It was K-4th grade.  Each grade singing their own three song montage.  Super cute of course.  There are three Kindergarten classes at Chloe's school.  They are performed together.  My favorite of the three songs they sang, "Eat your Veggies."  The words went a little something like I eat my veggies everyday...YUM!  Hmmmmm I have never seen Chloe eat her veggies everyday.  YUM?  I had fun after the program teasing her a little bit about her excitement during that song.
BTW...her little "boyfriend" (since the very first day of school, still going strong) Aiden is the cutie in the tie. 

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